Big Azz Tip Jar is Waiting To Meet You! Sing to Give tonight!

Give Challenge 2013: 15 Families in Need!

We need toys, thermals, and anything you can give for 15 more families!!! Can you help???

Tonight at Flanagans Harp and Fiddle aka Harp N Fiddle we are kicking off our fundraiser. I challenge you to give. I'll start with $50.00 donation. What can you give or are you willing to give. We need things for infants to seniors. Each year my friends at Flanagan's help to raise money, funds, toys, food, and more for the families in need in Baltimore, Maryland. So far we have 15 families covered, now we have 15 more to go. There is always a need but if you give more we can cover more. Please join us tonight at 9 Pm. I'll have a big azz tip jar you can drop your gift cards, cash donations, or checks in there. Receipts will be available for those who may need one. Let's change the condition, let's change the atmosphere and give from our hearts to make this season the brightest ever!


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