Karaoke: Diversity Inclusion Dialogue

We Sing, We laugh, We Play

We Drink, We Eat, We Dance and more...Let all of our Karaoke sh*t and giggles add up to something good for our local charities. This Thursday 2.9.17, we will gather at Zeba to give back and help others. In addition to singing, sh*ts, and giggles, we will raises awareness and funds for District Luv Organization: DistrictLuv.org.
In the days following the jarring presidential election of 2016, many Washington, DC neighbors found themselves asking, What can I do? DistrictLuv is one answer to that question. The idea is simple: create a product that enables allies to state “We are united in love in Washington, DC”, and donate the profits of its sale to local organizations that act on this message.
DistrictLuv will donate its profits to organizations that promote dialogue, diversity, inclusion and human rights. Causes can include ending violence against women, anti-racism through bias education, immigration legal services, and LGBTQ rights. The organizations that DistrictLuv supports are DC-based and serve DC residents.


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