Karaoke Turns 2 Year Old Today! Party at The Wonderland Ballroom at 8 Pm

Please join us tonight at 8 PM for a Happy Birthday Celebration of 2 years and running of karaoke fun at the The Wonderland Ballroom.  Cava will be served in celebration of the momentous occasion (limited supply).
On October 18, 2013, karaoke kicked off at Wonderland in the chill of the Fall air. I never knew what to expect from the neighborhood  and a neighborhood bar being that it was cold and bordering on Winter like conditions. Most karaoke parties have a snowball effect or start. But this was not the case with Wonderland,  we have been rolling so much so that we've built a snowman with bunny ears. Yes, it has been and continues to be a wonderful party of my karaoke nights.  
My expectations were far exceeded by the love, generosity, patience, attitude and aptitude of the staff and the clients. They have grown on me like family and friend. I can never say followers. What I can say is, "friend." They are genuinely funny, kind, loving, and it's all about karaoke singing, partying, and they have no filter on telling me how much they love me and the show (party).  It's makes my heart jump within. I try to hide it sometimes but hell let the flood gates open. 
At Wonderland, we need  a sign that says, "Enter Here for Happiness!" I so thank the team at The Wonderland Ballroom. They have worked with me under every possible condition and craziness to make this party a success. I thank the staff and managers who have all been kind and fun loving. I so enjoy the cross section of patrons, adventures, visitors, and all that join us every Tuesday at 8 PM under the roof of Wonderland. 
I can never say thank you enough!


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