Karaoke In The News! Godzilla Singing To The Key Of Roar!

Update: Godzilla Singers Added
Why People Hate Karaoke - Until, they Come to One of My Karaoke Parties That Is!

Location: The Wonderland Ballroom 5.13.14

Last night’s party at The Wonderland Ballroom was mesmerizing. It was filled with fresh new faces and singers. Many more of the Boochie Ball Teams were there and so were many of the bar’s regulars. Well before 8PM, the Boochie ball crews started to trickle in. Now this is just my opinion but I think that many people just don’t understand what to expect when they come to karaoke. They have seen and heard so many bad (stiff, perfect, or just plain ole horrible) karaokes that my show would just would not offer or be any but a bit of the same.

Prior to each show, I mediate on good things for what I want to see and how I want my energy to flow. I invest a lot of energy into the crowd (into you) and I must say that at Wonderland, they give it back 100 fold. I try very hard (I said try) to deflect or defuse the negative energy. I focus on what joy and fun we can have that will make our world better that night and for the days to come. What I learned is if I give a little the one by one everyone will give and soon our cup is full and overflowing with good enery throughout the entire bar. It's beautiful! I love it! I love music! I love to see others doing it no matter what you sound like. Just let go and dive in! You'll see.

So you may sing off key, who really cares? Just have fun doing it! Sing for the fun of it. We don’t sing to compete or to gain prizes. We sing for the pure helluva it! We sing for the fun, the thrill, and the true social connection and interaction. The only thing digital about my karaoke is the music. So come in and put your Smart Phones and PDA’s away (or use them for lyrics to a song that I may not have) and have a good kick azz time. I tell you some days I wake sore from the night before all because we danced, sang, and danced some more. You can sing whatever you like with me at every karaoke party that I have especially at The Wonderland Ballroom.

A big shoutout to the following Godzilla Singers: Karimah, Marissa, Emily, Dina, Gwen, Beyonca, Bryan, Dave, Chrissy, Jason, Belise, Nickie, Sarah, Courtney, Noah, TB, Alex, Tommy, Tom, Javier, Xavier, Trish, Casey, Santana, Chaz, Cali Ali, Kelly, Malika, Leland, Shawn, Ole Skool n Crew, and all that attended last night’s party.


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