How did we go from Godzilla Karaoke down Sump Pump Karaoke?!!! I suppose the three day early warning for flash floods that many of us received on our smartphones and PDA’s did the trick. I am sure that Homedepot and all the grocery stores of the DMV area made a ton of cash. As for me, what I had hoped to be awesome night on DuPont Circle, turned out to be an awesome night after all. I arrived early to The Big Hunt to prep and to get the equipment and up and running on time and to iron out any kinks, noise distortions and nuisances. All the key players were on board, like AJ (Bartender- T-Pain or somebody), Gotta have the bartender. And very thankful for Christine/Christina (Super Server). We cracked jokes and had a good convo before show time. I quickly glanced over the crowd and saw that Dave and Shelly were there. So, it’s safe to say a few regulars were sprinkled about the place. To my surprise, we had two great groups to show up. The first group I had passed by on the